(This is a picture of a Fish Creek Sunset that I took on my cell-phone)

Just 10 minutes ago I got out of my grandparents truck after a 5 hour drive, coming from a week long vacation in Fish Creek, Adirondacks, New York. There was plenty to do since the weather was unbelievably sunny and warm, including canoeing, fishing, swimming and cooking over the fire! It was almost record-breaking hot for being so high up in the mountains so we swam every chance we got (at least twice a day). I cooked bacon over the campfire and watched the sun go down. You could hear the people "yoo-hooing" (it is a Fish Creek tradition to yell "yoo-hoo" facing the lake and people will answer by "yoo-hooing" back) across the lake at sunset. I caught three fish, one of them was a
Pumpkinseed Sunny (Sometimes known as a "Spot") which are common freshwater fish and usually the first fish to be caught by beginning fishermen/fisherwomen. We were at the Fish Creek Pond Campground on site 12 (
click for a picture and more info) were you could walk right out of your trailer/tent and go swimming/fishing/canoeing/etc. . The road is paved very nicely so you can bike ride for miles on nice, flat pavement. If you have been to Fish Creek or somewhere else in the Adirondacks, leave a comment telling me about your stay!